Comprehensive TMJ Evaluation
The TMJ Evaluation is an intricate examination focused on analyzing your bite. Throughout this evaluation, the doctor meticulously observes the movement of your jaw during opening and closing, as well as the alignment of your teeth.
Numerous factors can influence your bite, including the presence of missing or misaligned teeth. Your posture can also play a role, prompting the doctor to assess your walking and standing posture.
A critical facet of this examination involves applying pressure to the muscles that control jaw movement, both externally and internally. Additionally, the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and upper back are evaluated. The doctor may employ a stethoscope to detect jaw joint sounds or place their fingers along your jaw to monitor its movements.
The evaluation encompasses a review of your CBCT image results. Cone Beam Computerized Tomography, a novel imaging technology, enables the reproduction of comprehensive images of your dental and facial structures. Through CBCT X-Rays, the doctor can meticulously scrutinize the anatomical components of your mandible joint. The images are shared with you, allowing the doctor to pinpoint areas requiring attention and facilitating your comprehension of the underlying reasons for your symptoms.
Incorporated within the assessment is an Electromyographic Analysis (EMG). This non-invasive test gauges the activity of facial muscles, with readings recorded by a specialized device. The EMG provides precise insights into muscle function. Readings are taken while your mouth is open, when you bite down, and even in sitting and standing positions. This comprehensive approach helps determine potential impacts on other parts of your body.
Following the thorough evaluation, the doctor will offer an elaborate explanation of the treatment plan designed to alleviate your symptoms. The goal is to provide you with a clear understanding of the proposed approach to improve your condition.
Our Location
7741 SW 62nd Ave
South Miami, FL 33143
(305) 666-3824