General Dentistry

Deep Cleaning

Deep Cleaning, alternatively referred to as Scaling and Root Planing Therapy or Periodontal Treatment, represents a more comprehensive approach compared to routine dental cleanings. This specialized procedure offers the potential to prevent costly interventions and halt the progression of Gingivitis and Gum Disease.

Dental Cleanings

Maintaining optimal oral health necessitates regular teeth cleaning, a fundamental practice that involves the meticulous elimination of dental plaque from the teeth’s surface. This proactive approach is aimed at thwarting the onset of cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

Daily oral hygiene routines encompass brushing and flossing, allowing individuals to uphold their dental health. Nonetheless, certain tenacious deposits persist, which can be effectively addressed by a skilled dental hygienist.

For individuals boasting healthy gums, scheduling a dental cleaning every six months is advisable. By adhering to diligent oral hygiene, you can shield against cavities, avert tooth loss, enhance your smile’s radiance, invigorate your breath, bolster your overall well-being, and even economize in the long run.

Our devoted team of dental hygienists excels in administering a gentle, thorough, and efficacious dental cleanings. Our unwavering emphasis on preventive dental care motivates us to keep track of your schedule and provide timely reminders for your next visit.

Root Canals

Root Canal Therapy is an essential procedure to prevent the development of tooth abscesses. When a tooth abscess is present, patients may experience symptoms such as a pus-filled pocket within the tooth leading to swelling and inflammation.

Root Canal Treatment is employed in cases of severe tooth decay to salvage and restore a compromised tooth.

Contrary to common misconceptions, the process of root canal treatment is generally no more painful than receiving a dental filling. 

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth, also referred to as third molars, typically emerge at the rear of the mouth during an individual’s late teens or early twenties.

In many cases, these teeth become impacted, failing to fully emerge due to obstructions from adjacent teeth. Such impaction often leads to discomfort and pain. Despite diligent oral hygiene practices, these molars are challenging to clean adequately, given their location at the back of the mouth. Consequently, decay and gum disease can take root.

Sedation dentistry presents an invaluable solution for individuals burdened by general anxiety surrounding dental visits or specific procedure-related fears. This approach offers a pathway to a serene and more comfortable experience, effectively minimizing stress. By employing meticulously controlled and safe sedation techniques prior to the dental procedure, patients are gently guided into a state of profound relaxation. 

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Sedation Dentistry

When a tooth reaches a point where restoration is unfeasible, its extraction becomes imperative to stave off the onset of periodontal disease.

Tooth extractions are efficiently completed within a single appointment, with the procedure’s duration contingent upon the intricacy of the extraction. 

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Night Guard

A night guard serves as a removable dental device meticulously crafted to mitigate the impact of bruxism (teeth grinding) and other occlusal concerns. Specifically tailored for addressing bruxism, this mouth guard functions as a protective shield positioned between the upper and lower teeth.

While sporadic teeth grinding is generally innocuous, persistent bruxism can lead to teeth damage, tooth loss, and jaw discomfort.


Introducing Invisalign® treatment – an innovative, discreet, and highly effective method of orthodontic care. This system provides a cosmetic approach to aligning your smile while causing minimal disruption to your daily life, achieved through a series of clear aligners.

The beauty of Invisalign lies in its nearly invisible aligners, ensuring that only you are aware of your orthodontic journey. In most cases, Invisalign eliminates the need for unsightly, uncomfortable bands and wires. Whether you’re a teenager seeking to address a malocclusion or an adult looking to correct some misaligned teeth, Invisalign could be the perfect solution for you.