Implant Dentistry
Dental implant procedures have gained significant popularity as a preferred dental treatment for replacing missing teeth. They offer a functional and long-lasting solution to specific needs, provided that the patient is a suitable candidate and requires them.
Implants consist of small titanium cylinders treated and coated with substances that promote the initial attraction of bone-forming cells. Surgically, they replace the roots of missing teeth.
Implant Supported Dentures
Implant-supported dentures, also known as Overdentures, are a type of restorative prosthesis used when all teeth are lost or extracted and budget constraints are a consideration. Typically, two to four regular-diameter implants or four to six mini implants are utilized to anchor the denture in place.
The denture and implants are connected using components known as attachments. Various types and brands of attachments with different qualities and prices are available, and we exclusively choose attachments that we believe are of the highest quality for your benefit.
In this treatment option, having a well-designed denture that fits properly is crucial. Otherwise, a new full denture is custom-made to ensure a perfect fit for your mouth. Implant-supported dentures improve your chewing ability and enhance your appearance, leading to increased self-confidence and overall well-being.
Implant-supported dentures offer several advantages over regular dentures. They remain stable and do not tip or rub during chewing, nor do they become loose over time. Additionally, they stay securely in place as you speak.
For patients who have lost all of their natural teeth, a preferable alternative to an implant-supported overdenture involves the creation of a Full Size Bridge in Zirconia. Typically, a range of six to eight implants is strategically placed to serve as secure anchors.
We firmly advocate against the utilization of merely four implants to support complete bridges, a trend embraced by some due to its cost-effectiveness, rather than its efficacy or long-term viability. This approach can lead to limitations in anchorage and potential compromises in the treatment’s durability.
Bone Regeneration
Various procedures within the field of implant dentistry serve the purpose of bone regeneration or preservation. To achieve this goal, an array of bio-materials has been developed for placement at the surgical site, eventually transforming into native bone tissue.
When a molar or premolar tooth is extracted without the application of atraumatic methods, and the resulting socket is left ungrafted, the maxillary sinus undergoes a process known as “pneumatization,” wherein it expands and occupies the space previously held by the tooth and its surrounding bone.
Sinus Elevation
Our dental practice boasts state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge technology, specifically tailored for advanced oral surgery procedures.
Among these innovations, Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT) stands as a revolutionary technique employed to generate detailed images of both your dental and facial anatomy.